It was the sixth year of Holy Prophet’s mission when Quraish leaders called a meeting . in this meeting they discussed the current situation of tribe, the most prevailing one of which was the new emerging religion Islam. All the leaders greed upon the assassination of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). Now problem was, who would perform that task. At one moment, all eyes turned towards this fearless man, who had come forth. They saw that he was Umar, the Son of Hattab. The Qurayshis were confident that Umar was more than capable. Umar , being famous of his bravery , fearlessness and hatred for islam , was chosen for this job and everybody in the meeting exclaimed that he was the right person for it.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Power of “Istighfar” (A moving story)
This story about “Istighfar” is from the life of Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal, who is considered as a renowned scholar of Islam and a famous theologian. Imam Ahmed is also considered to be the founder of the Hanbali school of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and is one of the most celebrated Sunni theologians, often referred to as the “Sheikh ul-Islam” or the “Imam of Ahl al-Sunnah.”
During his old age, while Imam Ahmed was travelling he stopped by a town. After the prayers, he wanted to stay for the night in the masjid yard because he didn’t know anyone in the town. Owing to his humility, he hadn’t introduced himself to anyone thinking that if he did, he would be welcomed by many people.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Return to ALLAH
Once , there was a king. For some reason he got very pleased of one of his men. To reward that person , the king said to him, “ Gentle man, you made me happy , so as a reward I allow you to run , run on a circular path as far as you can till the sun sets, and whatever distance of land your circular path encloses would be yours, but be mindfull, you have to complete circle till the sun set. If you failed to complete the circle till the sun sets, you would get nothing.”
Hearing this , the man started walking happily thinking that now his days would turn to good ones and he would live a rich life now. He kept on walking and walking whole day. When it reached time of Zohar, he thought of going back towards the initial point to complete circle. But a greedy voice raised in his mind “ no, there is a lot of time to get back, cover some more distance, you would never get such a golden chance ever again”. He decided to cover a little more distance and then return back. After walking more ,again he thought to start traveling back. But again greedy nature of man overcame. After a few miles, when he finally decided to return back, he saw a beautifull garden, spread on wide area. He decided include the garden also in his property and then finally return back.
![turn to ALLAH, return to ALLAH](
Friday, 25 April 2014
O Son of Adam! I desire something and you desire something
By Amna Farooq
She heard it somewhere, and was now experiencing each word of it:
“ O Son of Adam! I desire something and you desire something but only what I desire occurs. If you submit yourself to my desire( i.e. obey Him), I will be sufficient for you in your desire. If you do not submit yourself to me (by disobeying Him), I will tire you in what you desire and (at the end of the day) only what I wish happens and occurs.” .
She had no worldly desire left, as she had just seen the result of such desires. It was a feeling of nonexistence, it seemed like dooms day. Numbness traveling through her limbs was making her feel lifeless. The person, who meant a world to her, was actually a cheater. Some truths are life shattering, and so was that one. The one, whom she believed in more than her existence, was nothing more than a deception. In such situations it gets so hard to accept the reality that the truth you considered foundation of your life was actually a lie. Despite of investing blindly on this temporary relation, she was a looser. Despite of a verynice brought up in a sensible family and every calculated step, she had been ultimately trapped!
These regrets were stabbing her soul, and tears were slipping down her cheeks in a constant flow. She felt so tired and hurt after running behind her desires. This made another voice echo in her ears-
“Consider the one who has taken his own desire as a deity, whom God allows to stray in the face of knowledge, sealing his ears and heart and covering his eyes — who can guide such a person after God (has abandoned him)? Will you not take heed?” (45:23)
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Abdullah bin Mubarak And A lady Who Spoke The Words of Quran
Here is a story of a lady who spoke the words of Quran ! you would definitely find beauty in it. I hope you admire reading the story of a lady who spoke the words of Quran as answer of every question.
An elderly Arab lady was sitting with her back against the trunk of a tree on road, which was the way to Hajj. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA) happened to pass that way. He was also heading for Baitullah, for Hajj, and to the Sacred tomb of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu layhi Wasallam). Seeing this lady very disturbed and in a state of despair, he spoke to her.
Their discussion is recorded as follows:
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah
The lady: “The word from a merciful Lord is Peace” (Surah 36 Aayat 58).
She meant that the reply of salaam is from Allah, Most High, Himself. She said further: “Those whom Allah sendeth astray, there is no guide for them.” (Surah 7 Aayat 186).
She meant that she had lost her way.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mubarak (RA): Where are you coming from?
The lady: “Glorified be He who carried His servant by night from the Musjid-e-Aqsa (inviolable place of worship) to the Musjid-e-Haraam” (Far distant place of worship) (Surah17 Aayat1).
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Musab bin Omair (radi Allahu anhu)
Dear Readers, As Salaamu Alaikum
Today we will share with you the story of one of the Matyrs in Islam- Musab bin Omair (radi Allahu anhu). As Muslims it is important for us to know the sacrifice made and the struggle done by many different companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.
One such great personality was Musab bin Omair (radi Allahu anhu).
Young and handsome, elegant and rich, Musab bin Omair (radi Allahu anhu) was born and brought up in wealth and luxury. Wherever he would pass by fragrance would linger in the air. But after his mother found out about his embracing Islam she shackled and imprisoned him in a corner of the house. He managed to escape and migrate to Abyssinia. He migrated the second time too and then returned. The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) chose him as his envoy and sent him to Madinah to prepare it to become the crucible of Islam, a job he accomplished brilliantly.
He participated in Badr and carried the flag in Uhud. He held onto the flag till he fell a martyr, struggling to prevent the disbelievers from reaching and harming the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam). When the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) saw his corpse his eyes overflowed with tears and he recited, “Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah.” [Surah al-Ahzab, Ayat 23]
Musab bin Omair (radi Allahu anhu) emigrated for Allah's cause, so his reward became due with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. But he passed away without enjoying anything in this life of his reward. He did not leave behind anything except a sheet of shredded woolen cloth. If his head were covered with it, his feet were uncovered, and if his feet were covered with it, his head was uncovered. Crying, the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “I saw you at Makkah, and there was not a more precious jewel, nor a more distinguished one than you, and here you are bare-headed in a (single) garment!”
With Best Wishes
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
An-Nuayman put an end to his laughter?
An-Nuayman lived on after the Prophet and continued to enjoy the affection of Muslims. But did he put an end to his laughter? During the caliphate of Uthman, a group of Sahabah were sitting in the Masjid. They saw Makhramah ibn Nawfal, an old man who was about one hundred and fifteen years old and obviously rather senile. He was related to the sister of Abdur-Rahman ibn Awl, who was a wife of an-Nuayman.
Makhramah was blind. He was so weak that he could hardly move from his place in the Masjid. He got up to urinate and might have done so in the Masjid. But the companions shouted at him to prevent him from doing so.. An-Nuayman got up and went to take him to another place, as he was instructed. What is this other place that an-Nuayman took him to? In fact he took him only a short distance away from where he was sitting at first and sat him down.
The place was still in the Masjid!
People shouted at Makhramah and made him get up again all in a frenzy. The poor old man was distressed and said: "Who has done this?" "An-Nuayman ibn Amr," he was told.
The old man swore and announced that he would bash an-Nuayman on the head with his stick if he should meet him.
An-Nuayman left and returned. He was up to some prank of his again. He saw Uthman ibn Affan, the Amir al-Muminim, performing Salat in the Masjid. Uthman was never distracted when he stood for Prayer. An-Nuayman also saw Makhramah. He went up to him and in a changed voice said: "Do you want to get at an-Nuayman?"
The old man remembered what an-Nuayman had done. He remembered his vow and shouted: "Yes, where is he?" An-Nuayman took him by the hand and led him to the place where the Khalifah Uthman stood and said to him: "Here he is!"
The old man raised his staff and bashed the head of
Uthman. Blood flowed and the people shouted: "It's the Amir al-Muminin!"
The dragged Makhramah away and some people set out to get an-Nuayman but Uthman restrained them and asked them to leave him alone. In spite of the blows he had suffered, he was still able to laugh at the deeds of an-Nuayman.
An-Nuayman lived up to the time of Muawiyah when fitnah saddened him and discord filled him with anguish. He lost his levity and laughed no more.
"Would you deal with this camel?" ( a prank by noble sahabi Nuayman)
A man once came to the Prophet on a delegation and tethered his camel at the door of the Masjid. The Sahabah noticed that the camel had a large fat hump and their appetite for succulent tasty meat was stimulated. They turned to Nuayman and asked: "Would you deal with this camel?"
An-Nuayman understood what they meant. He got up and slaughtered the camel. The nomad Arab came out and realized what had happened when he saw people grilling, sharing out and eating meat. He shouted in distress: "Waa 'aqraah! Waa Naqataah! (O my camel!)"
The Prophet heard the commotion and came out. He learnt from the Sahabah what had happened and began searching for an-Nuayman but did not find him. Afraid of being blamed and punished, an-Nuayman had fled. The Prophet then followed his footprints. These led to a garden belonging to Danbaah the daughter of az-Zubayr, a cousin of the Prophet. He asked the companions where an-Nuayman was. Pointing to a nearby ditch, they said loudly so as not to alert an-Nuayman: "We haven't found him, O Messenger of God." An-Nuayman was found in the ditch covered with palm branches and leaves and emerged with dirt on his head, beard and face. He stood in the presence of the Prophet who took him by the head and dusted the dirt from his face while he chuckled with laughter. The companions joined in the mirth. The Prophet paid the price of the camel to its owner and they all joined in the feast.
The Prophet obviously regarded an-Nuayman's pranks for what they were light-hearted sallies that were meant to create some relief and laughter.
The religion of Islam does not require people to disdain seemly laughter and levity and remain perpetually gloomy. An appropriate sense of humor is often a saving grace.
An-Nuayman understood what they meant. He got up and slaughtered the camel. The nomad Arab came out and realized what had happened when he saw people grilling, sharing out and eating meat. He shouted in distress: "Waa 'aqraah! Waa Naqataah! (O my camel!)"
The Prophet heard the commotion and came out. He learnt from the Sahabah what had happened and began searching for an-Nuayman but did not find him. Afraid of being blamed and punished, an-Nuayman had fled. The Prophet then followed his footprints. These led to a garden belonging to Danbaah the daughter of az-Zubayr, a cousin of the Prophet. He asked the companions where an-Nuayman was. Pointing to a nearby ditch, they said loudly so as not to alert an-Nuayman: "We haven't found him, O Messenger of God." An-Nuayman was found in the ditch covered with palm branches and leaves and emerged with dirt on his head, beard and face. He stood in the presence of the Prophet who took him by the head and dusted the dirt from his face while he chuckled with laughter. The companions joined in the mirth. The Prophet paid the price of the camel to its owner and they all joined in the feast.
The Prophet obviously regarded an-Nuayman's pranks for what they were light-hearted sallies that were meant to create some relief and laughter.
The religion of Islam does not require people to disdain seemly laughter and levity and remain perpetually gloomy. An appropriate sense of humor is often a saving grace.
An-Nuayman sold Suwaybit ibn Harmalah (the incharge of food and provisions)
Once Abu Bakr and some companions went on a trading expedition to Busra. Various people on the trip were given fixed duties. Suwaybit ibn Harmalah was made responsible for food and provisions. An-Nuayman was one of the group and on the way he became hungry and asked Suwaybit for some food. Suwaybit refused and an-Nuayman said to him:
"Do you know what I would yet do with you?" and went on to warn and threaten him but still Suwaybit refused. An-Nuayman then went to a group of Arabs in the suq and said to them: "Would you like to have a strong and sturdy slave whom I can sell to you." They said yes and an-Nuayman went on: "He has got a ready tongue and is very articulate. He would resist you and say: 'I am free.' But don't listen
to him"
The men paid the price of the slave - ten qala'is (pieces of gold) and an-Nuayman accepted it and appeared to complete the transaction with business-like efficiency. The buyers accompanied him to fetch theft purchase. Pointing to Suwaybit, he said: "This is the slave whom I sold to you."
The men took hold of Suwaybit and he shouted for dear life and freedom. "I am free. I am Suwaybit ibn Harmalah..."
But they paid no attention to him and dragged him off by the neck as they would have done with any slave.
All the while, an-Nuayman did not laugh or batter an eyelid. He remained completely calm and serious while Suwaybit continued to protest bitterly. Suwaybit's fellow travellers, realizing what was happening, rushed to fetch Abu Bakr, the leader of the caravan, who came running as fast as he could. He explained to the purchasers what had happened and so they released Suwaybit and had their money returned. Abu Bakr then laughed heartily and so did Suwaybit and an-Nuayman. Back in Madinah, when the episode was recounted to the Prophet and his companions, they all laughed even more.
"Do you know what I would yet do with you?" and went on to warn and threaten him but still Suwaybit refused. An-Nuayman then went to a group of Arabs in the suq and said to them: "Would you like to have a strong and sturdy slave whom I can sell to you." They said yes and an-Nuayman went on: "He has got a ready tongue and is very articulate. He would resist you and say: 'I am free.' But don't listen
to him"
The men paid the price of the slave - ten qala'is (pieces of gold) and an-Nuayman accepted it and appeared to complete the transaction with business-like efficiency. The buyers accompanied him to fetch theft purchase. Pointing to Suwaybit, he said: "This is the slave whom I sold to you."
The men took hold of Suwaybit and he shouted for dear life and freedom. "I am free. I am Suwaybit ibn Harmalah..."
But they paid no attention to him and dragged him off by the neck as they would have done with any slave.
All the while, an-Nuayman did not laugh or batter an eyelid. He remained completely calm and serious while Suwaybit continued to protest bitterly. Suwaybit's fellow travellers, realizing what was happening, rushed to fetch Abu Bakr, the leader of the caravan, who came running as fast as he could. He explained to the purchasers what had happened and so they released Suwaybit and had their money returned. Abu Bakr then laughed heartily and so did Suwaybit and an-Nuayman. Back in Madinah, when the episode was recounted to the Prophet and his companions, they all laughed even more.
Al Nuayman ibn Amr gifted some food to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) :)
Once an-Nuayman went to the suq and saw some food being sold which appeared to be tasty and delightful. He ordered some and sent it to the Prophet as if it were a gift from him. The Prophet was delighted with the food and he and his family ate of it. The vendor of the food then came to an-Nuayman to collect the price of it and an-Nuayman said to him: "Go to the Messenger of God it was for him. He and his family ate it."
The vendor went to the Prophet who in turn asked an-Nuayman: "Didn't you give it to me?" "Yes," said an-Nuayman. "I thought you would like it and I wanted you to eat some of it so I had it presented to you. But I don't have any dirhams to pay the vendor for it. So, pay, O Messenger of God!"
The Prophet had a good laugh and so did his companions. The laugh was at his expense, literally, for he had to pay the price of the unsolicited gift. An-Nuayman felt that two benefits came out of the incident: the Prophet and his family ate food that they enjoyed and the Muslims had a good laugh.
Once an-Nuayman went to the suq and saw some food being sold which appeared to be tasty and delightful. He ordered some and sent it to the Prophet as if it were a gift from him. The Prophet was delighted with the food and he and his family ate of it. The vendor of the food then came to an-Nuayman to collect the price of it and an-Nuayman said to him: "Go to the Messenger of God it was for him. He and his family ate it."
The vendor went to the Prophet who in turn asked an-Nuayman: "Didn't you give it to me?" "Yes," said an-Nuayman. "I thought you would like it and I wanted you to eat some of it so I had it presented to you. But I don't have any dirhams to pay the vendor for it. So, pay, O Messenger of God!"
The Prophet had a good laugh and so did his companions. The laugh was at his expense, literally, for he had to pay the price of the unsolicited gift. An-Nuayman felt that two benefits came out of the incident: the Prophet and his family ate food that they enjoyed and the Muslims had a good laugh.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
True story of a revert to Islam! Bruce Paterson, Ex-Christian, UK
Dear Readers, As Salaamu Alaikum
Today we will share with you a true story of a Ex Christian man who reverted to Islam. His name is Bruce Paterson.
Let us read the reasons what made him search for the truth and what made him revert to Islam.. I am sure in sha Allah its going to be worthful to read and you will definitely learn some thing from this post. Dont forget to share if you like it.
I would like to take the opportunity to share with you my journey to Islam and I feel that by sharing this experience with you I can help you on your journey through life. We are all born into different cultures, countries and religions in what often seems a confusing and troubled world. Actually, when we examine the world around us, we can easily see what a troubled state it is in: war, poverty and crime. Need I go on? Yet when we look at our own upbringing and our education, how can we be sure that all the things that we have been told, are in reality the truth?
Unfortunately, most people in the world decide to try to hide and escape from the world's problems rather than stand up and deal with the truth. Dealing with the truth is often the harder avenue to follow. The question is: Are you willing to stand up for the truth? Are you strong enough? Or, are you going to escape and hide like the rest?
I started my search for the truth a number of years ago. I wanted to find out the truth about the reality of our existence. Surely, to understand life correctly is the key to solving all the worldly problems that we are faced with today. I was born into a Christian family and this is where my journey began. I started to read the bible and to ask questions. I quickly became unsatisfied. The priest told me, "You just have to have faith." From reading the bible I found contradictions and things that were clearly wrong. Does God contradict himself? Does God lie? Of course not!
I moved on from Christianity, thinking the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians are corrupted so there is no way that I can find the truth from the false. I started finding out about Eastern Religions and Philosophies, particularly Buddhism. I spent a long time meditating in Buddhist temples and talking to the Buddhist monks. Actually, the meditating gave me a good clean feeling. The trouble was that it didn't answer any of my questions about the reality of existence. Instead it carefully avoided them in a way that makes it seem stupid to even talk about it.
I traveled to many parts of the world during my quest for the truth. I became very interested in tribal religions and the spiritualist way of thinking. I found that a lot of what these religions were saying had truth in them, but I could never accept the whole religion as the truth. This was the same as where I started with Christianity!
I began to think that there was truth in everything and it didn't really matter what you believed in or what you followed. Surely though this is a form of escaping. I mean, does it make sense: one truth for one person and another truth for someone else? There can only be one truth!
I felt confused, I fell to the floor and prayed, "Oh, please God, I am so confused, please guide me to the truth." This is when I discovered Islam.
Of course I always knew something about Islam, but only what we naively hear in the West. I was surprised though by what I found. The more that I read the Quran and asked questions about what Islam taught, the more truths I received. The striking difference between Islam and every other religion is that Islam is the only religion that makes a strict distinction between the creator and the creation. In Islam, we worship the creator. Simple. You will find however, that in every other religion there is some form of worship involving creation. For example, worshipping men as incarnations of God or stones, sounds familiar. Surely though, if you are going to worship anything, you should worship the one that created all. The one that gave you your life and the one who will take it away again. In fact, in Islam, the only sin that ALLAH will not forgive is the worship of creation.
However, the truth of Islam can be found in the Quran. The Quran is like a text book guide to life. In it you will find answers to all questions. For me, everything I had learnt about all the different religions, everything that I knew to be true, fitted together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I had all the pieces all along but I just did not know how to fix them together.
I would therefore like to ask you to consider Islam now. The true Islam as described in the Quran. Not the Islam that we get taught about in the West. You may at least be able to cut down your journey in search of the truth about life. I pray for your success, regardless.
Unfortunately, most people in the world decide to try to hide and escape from the world's problems rather than stand up and deal with the truth. Dealing with the truth is often the harder avenue to follow. The question is: Are you willing to stand up for the truth? Are you strong enough? Or, are you going to escape and hide like the rest?
I started my search for the truth a number of years ago. I wanted to find out the truth about the reality of our existence. Surely, to understand life correctly is the key to solving all the worldly problems that we are faced with today. I was born into a Christian family and this is where my journey began. I started to read the bible and to ask questions. I quickly became unsatisfied. The priest told me, "You just have to have faith." From reading the bible I found contradictions and things that were clearly wrong. Does God contradict himself? Does God lie? Of course not!
I moved on from Christianity, thinking the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians are corrupted so there is no way that I can find the truth from the false. I started finding out about Eastern Religions and Philosophies, particularly Buddhism. I spent a long time meditating in Buddhist temples and talking to the Buddhist monks. Actually, the meditating gave me a good clean feeling. The trouble was that it didn't answer any of my questions about the reality of existence. Instead it carefully avoided them in a way that makes it seem stupid to even talk about it.
I traveled to many parts of the world during my quest for the truth. I became very interested in tribal religions and the spiritualist way of thinking. I found that a lot of what these religions were saying had truth in them, but I could never accept the whole religion as the truth. This was the same as where I started with Christianity!
I began to think that there was truth in everything and it didn't really matter what you believed in or what you followed. Surely though this is a form of escaping. I mean, does it make sense: one truth for one person and another truth for someone else? There can only be one truth!
I felt confused, I fell to the floor and prayed, "Oh, please God, I am so confused, please guide me to the truth." This is when I discovered Islam.
Of course I always knew something about Islam, but only what we naively hear in the West. I was surprised though by what I found. The more that I read the Quran and asked questions about what Islam taught, the more truths I received. The striking difference between Islam and every other religion is that Islam is the only religion that makes a strict distinction between the creator and the creation. In Islam, we worship the creator. Simple. You will find however, that in every other religion there is some form of worship involving creation. For example, worshipping men as incarnations of God or stones, sounds familiar. Surely though, if you are going to worship anything, you should worship the one that created all. The one that gave you your life and the one who will take it away again. In fact, in Islam, the only sin that ALLAH will not forgive is the worship of creation.
However, the truth of Islam can be found in the Quran. The Quran is like a text book guide to life. In it you will find answers to all questions. For me, everything I had learnt about all the different religions, everything that I knew to be true, fitted together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I had all the pieces all along but I just did not know how to fix them together.
I would therefore like to ask you to consider Islam now. The true Islam as described in the Quran. Not the Islam that we get taught about in the West. You may at least be able to cut down your journey in search of the truth about life. I pray for your success, regardless.
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